• Greg Cooper (Chairperson)
  • Josh Hagen
  • Dareth Woods
  • TV Taylor

Upcoming Participation and Development Events

  • There are no events scheduled at this time.

Related Programs

Questions about the following programs should be directed to the chair of Participation and Development.

Marginalized Athletes

Due to disability, social, economic factors many young people are unable to access sport. As research proves, sport provides a healthy and safe place for youth to learn a new skill and foster growth in self esteem and recognizing this, there are two ways to receive financial support:

  1. Clubs who design and implement programs that target this group can access a yearly subsidy of $300.
  2. Clubs may also access the same $300 to subsidize athletes registrations.

Camp Sponsorship

The Participation and Development Program has a budget to partially fund marginalized athletes who due to disability, social, or economic factors may find the fee for camp a barrier to attending either summer or winter camp. There are five $100 subsidies per winter camp and five $200 subsidies per summer camp. Athletes or their club may apply to the chair of the committee.

Judo Saskatchewan Skill Crests

The crest and t-stripe program is available to all clubs registered with Judo Saskatchewan and provides the incentive and recognition to athletes with progressive icons of the sport of Judo. Crests are not to be sewn on judogi! A new brochure is being produced for all clubs to use and will be available soon.

For more information on this program, please contact the chair of the committee.

Crest Order Form