Judo Saskatchewan Chair of NCCP

Dale Berglund
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Dojo Assistant Course will be held on May 24-25, 2025

We are asking that interested parties sign up using the Trackie link provided below. The location of the course will be determined by where the participants are
from. Please sign up on Trackie by April 3. The course will then be entered into The Locker for registration and payment of fees to Judo Canada.

Note: In order to take the course, you must be sixteen years of age or older and at least Sankyu (Green belt).
Trackie Registration link:

NCCP Links

The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) in Judo is the result of a partnership between Judo Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada. This program enables participants to learn both, in a classroom setting and on the mat, what it means to be a coach/instructor in Judo. The NCCP is the recognized national standard for coaching Judo in Canada.  - Judo Canada




Why take NCCP training?

By taking NCCP coaching courses, you will learn how to be a better coach and a better judoka.  For Judo, all course facilitators in Canada are experienced and knowledgeable judoka who are willing to share their experience with you.  You will also learn from your fellow course participants as the courses are as much about sharing ideas as they are about learning from the facilitators.

NCCP training challenges you to look at your current practices and to open your mind to alternative methods as well as reinforcing traditional teachings.  It also allows you to develop a network of coaches with whom you can continue to share ideas/methodology with and continue to grow with.


What are the coaching stages in Judo?

The normal path that is followed is Dojo Assistant (DA), Dojo Instructor (DI), and Competition Development (CompDev).  Another pathway is Community Coach, DI, and CompDev.

Community Coach:

This course is for instructors involved in a recreational club (no competition) or with recreational judoka not involved in competitive streams.


  • Minimum age – 18
  • Minimum Rank – Shodan

There is no Certification required for this level. (See the NCCP Policy for more details.)

Dojo Assistant:


  • Minimum age – 16
  • Minimum Rank – Sankyu with working knowledge of techniques included in DA program
  • Sterling Background  Check or equivalent for age 18 yrs and up.
  • Successful completion of “Respect In Sport” e-learning module.


  • Complete online “Make Ethical Decisions”.
  • Complete all assignments from the curriculum.
  • Act as assistant instructor at club level, under supervision of a Dojo Instructor, for a minimum 60 hours.
  • Evaluation by a certified evaluator.

Note:  Certification is not required for this level; you can continue to Dojo Instructor once you have reached the “Trained” status. Judo Saskatchewan does encourage certification. Upon certification, Judo Sask will reimburse course fees.

Dojo Instructor:


  • Minimum age – 18
  • Minimum Rank – Ikkyu
  • Trained DA or Trained Community Coach
  • Sterling Background Check or equivalent if over 3 years since previous check.

Certification:  Minimum rank – Shodan

  • Completion of all assignments from course
  • Completion of  Make Ethical Decisions within last five years
  • Club instruction for minimum 120 hours
  • Evaluation by a certified evaluator.

Note:  Certification is mandatory at this level. (Judo Saskatchewan will reimburse course fees upon certification.)

Coach – Developing Competitor (Comp Dev):

This course is run by Judo Canada and is offered usually in July in Montreal.


  • Minimum age – 21
  • Minimum Rank – Shodan
  • Trained D.I.
  • Letter of recommendation from Judo Sask
  • Completion of Multi-sport Competition Development modules (offered by Coaches Association of Saskatchewan)


  • Minimum Rank – Nidan
  • Certified Dojo Instructor
  • Completion of all Judo specific Competition Development modules
  • Sterling Background Check or equivalent
  • 240 hours of coaching athletes at provincial or national level. (Counting of hours starts after completion of all modules)
  • Evaluation by Judo Canada


Professional Development

All certified coaches/instructors will have to complete a set number of Professional Development hours over a five year period to maintain their certification in an “Active” state. The required number of hours depends on the certification level of the coach:

  • Dojo Assistant – 10 hours
  • Dojo Instructor – 20 hours
  • Competition Development – 30 hours

A new cycle starts every five years. If a coach does not attain the required hours, his/her status in the Locker will be “Non-renewed”. To get back to active, the coach will need to complete the missing hours or be re-evaluated. A new  cycle will be started at that point. 

The following table shows the activity types for Professional Development points. All points are recorded in the Locker. Points are entered by the course sponsor (CAC, Judo Sask, etc) except for self-reporting items. The Locker will  guide you through entering these points. Check CAC, CAS, Judo Canada, and Judo Sask websites for PD opportunities.


Activity Category


Limitations/all apply to 5 year eligibility period

Active Coaching

1 pt /year for every season coached

To a maximum of 5 points

NCCP activity – Judo Modules

5 pts/module

No maximum or minimum

Non-NCCP activity – Technical clinics and courses sanctioned Nationally

3 pts for a minimum 3 hr of an activity.  One activity cannot be claimed for more than 3 pts, no matter its length.

No maximum or minimum

Coach self-directed activity

3 pts for the valid certification period – e.g. St. John Ambulance; approved by Judo Canada online educational Judo material.

Maximum of 3 point  for certification renewal period

Re-evaluation in context

100% of the points required for PD credit in the context

No other PD is required if coach chooses re-evaluation

NCCP activity – CAC multisport or PD modules

5 pts/in-class or online module

No maximum or minimum

Respect In Sport for Activity Leaders

3 pts


Non – NCCP activity

1 pt /hr of activity up to 3 pts maximum for a single activity

To a maximum of 50% of required PD credit for the context in a certification renewal period

University courses



(From Judo Canada NCCP Policy Document)